Yesterday a friend (Kim) and I got to leave work early (YEAH!) and drive to St. Paul, MN and attend the
Yarn Harlot's talk for her book launch of
Cast Off. That's a shot of Stephanie taking "sock pictures" of the crowd.
We arrived in St. Paul early, found parking amazingly easy... then walked just a block east to visit the
Yarnery. WOW, what a neat place... I could wander those rooms for hours looking at the yarn and seeing all of their knitted up swatches and items. I was just going to "look" (yeah right) and wound up bringing home 4 balls of
Cascade Fixation (more baby hats and booties in my future) as well as a skein of
Fleece Artist Sock yarn. I think this means I am going to start knitting socks - heaven help us! ;-)
After touring the yarn store, and thanking the wonderful people there for putting this all together, Kim and I walked a block back and visited the
Bead Monkey. Oh my, I actually found myself putting things in a little tray to buy so I could start doing beads! WHAT was I THINKING?!? Sanity prevailed and I didn't buy anything but goodness there was gorgeous stuff there! A bead stash would definitely be fun to build and easier to hide than yarn.
We then stopped for coffee and conversation in the Bread and Chocolate place nearby and then walked over to the auditorium where the Yarn Harlot would speak. We met up with Gail (from my Knitting Parents Yahoo group) and her friend Sally - then got in line and chatted until the doors opened. I was a little anxious about them trying to check in 400 people but the Yarnery pulled it all off quickly and without a hitch again. We were seated and knitting within 10 minutes of the doors opening and we were probably 30 people back in line. Nice job Yarnery!
Stephanie was like an old friend sitting on the other end of the couch knitting with us, she made us laugh, she made us think and at one point Kim was crying she was laughing so hard! When I was walking back to the car I realized that my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. What a wonderful evening! I just want to sit, knit and reflect on it all day. I should however get back to work so I can earn that next paycheck to keep buying more yarn! ;-)