Last Thursday we had several tornados go through our area of the state. It was very scary for people in our town since we had millions of dollars in damage when a tornado went through in 1998. We spent a nervous 1/2 hour in the basement bathroom with the 2 dogs as the sirens blared continuously.
Unfortunately, not everyone in our area was as lucky as we were this time. This is a slide show of pictures taken, some of which are only a couple miles from our home. We had an opportunity to drive near some of the areas this weekend and it made tears come to my eyes. The memories it brought up and the emotions I knew they were going through. I wanted to go up and hug them and let them know it would really be ok but from my experience before, I didn't believe them until later.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Please remember to take care of yourself to keep your body and mind strong for the trials you will face in the next 12 months.
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